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ATSX 250 – Feb. 6th casino

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Save the date! After a hard couple of weeks of figuring out how to make the ATSX 250 in Judenburg happen we can officially announce that the race will happen on the 6th of Febuary. Obviously there will be major restrictions that the organizers and athletes have to follow in order to minimize the risk but it is possible to do the race. Information about registration, accommodation, time-schedule, testing and… Weiterlesen »ATSX 250 – Feb. 6th casino

Update Season 2020/21 casino

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Dear Ice Cross Athletes! As you know we had to move the date for the ATSX 250 in Judenburg a few weeks ago when the austrian government announced the new lockdown.Yesterday the lockdown got extended to the 24th of January. The week by week changing of regulations and possible lockdowns with an unknown duration makes it quite hard at the moment to set a new date. With that been said… Weiterlesen »Update Season 2020/21 casino


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As the Austrian government announced the third lockdown on friday, the ÖSCV has to postpone the race scheduled for January 16th 2021. According to the current information the lockdown will last until January 18th. Based on this the race will be scheduled at the end of January. With this situation we will release more details after the Austrian government publishes the information for the rules and laws after January 18th.… Weiterlesen »ATSX250 POSTPONED! casino

Season Information 2020 / 2021

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Covid19 is still shutting down sports and countries. For a sport like Ice Cross Downhill, with events and athletes from all over the world it is a very heard time. Right now the ÖSCV plans to host an ATSX250 event on January 16th 2021 in Judenburg, Styria. The summer was used to upgrade the track and we are excited to show the new obstacles soon. The ÖSCV and ATSX are… Weiterlesen »Season Information 2020 / 2021